Oh dear, I must be living on borrowed time.
Uncle Nolli’s Astro-Tarot-Feng Shui Horoscopes
This week:
ARIES 21 March-2O April
Fruit looks set to play a key part in your week, and so does a 60-watt, mini-candelabra-style, screw-in light bulb.
It’s all the fault of Neptune, the planet of healthy living, rising in Aquarius, the sign of irritatingly hard-to-find household goods.
Lucky Pasta Sauce: Red Pesto
Runtime’s blog has an interesting mix of stumbles and is well worth visiting.
Also check out his Flickr site:
“How was I supposed to know it was going to sink?
It didn’t say please get off at the iceberg on the ticket.”
“Hi ho
and a jolly welcode
to all you surfwide’n interwebber lopers.
Here beholdy manifold things
Stanley Unwinmost
– all deep joy
and thorkus
for great laugh’n tittery.
O yes.”
Stanley Unwin.
The man who inspired John Prescott to be the great orator that he is today.
In this clip we hear New Labour’s Devolution plans explained: